I am amazed by how quickly this semester is flying! I only have 3 and a half weeks left of classes, and the semester is over! CRAZY!! A week and a half to Thanksgiving break, then 2 more weeks till the end of Fall Semester.
Well, to start off I apologize for not keeping up on this blog every day like I wish I could. I have to keep backing up and explaining everything cool (or at least I thought was cool) from the last few days. My week became progressively better as it went on. Wednesday was still not the best, but Thursday and on were wonderful. The Preferance Dance was on Saturday and it was great! I loved every minute of it. Colin was my date and Andrea went with Zach.

La de da....
Moving on to yesterday, Colin and I made our relationship "official" ;) Our facebook status' were changed and everything. *haha* He is currently getting his "beauty rest" because it is "o'dark thirty outside" :D I love when he sings to me and holds my hand. Kristilyn thinks we're super cute together.

We FINALLY went grocery shopping last night. My roommates and I have been STARVING for a week now; it's like Christmas here. Speaking of Christmas, we love playing our Christmas music loud and proud. We bought a cute little pink Christmas tree at Walmart the other day that always makes us smile. The weather is so crazy outside, at times it really seems like Christmas Eve, and we should be waking up to presents in the morning.....
Anyway, all is good with me. Every day is a great day here.
<3 Me