"Look at the sky, tell me what do you see? Just close your eyes and describe it to me... The heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight. That's what I see through your eyes. I see the heavens each time that you smile. I hear your heartbeat just go on for miles. And suddenly I know my life is worthwhile..."

Saturday, August 30, 2008

"Tears form behind my eyes, but I do not cry. . ."

Today was my last day at Cafe Rio. I was so sad to come in and find out that Elizabeth, Alejandro, and Taylor were all off tonight. I don't know if I will ever see them again, and it really makes me sad. These were 3 of my very favorite people I worked with. Elizabeth and I could hardly talk to each other because she only spoke Spanish and I only speak English, so it was kind of funny because we would always have Pancho translate for us, but Elizabeth and I were always good friends. Alejandro was always so funny and he always made me feel so good about myself. I always looked forward to seeing him walk through the door and call to me. He would rub my shoulder as he clocked in and say "Hola guapa! Como estas?" :] I am going to miss him. And Taylor! Haha. Boy, that kid and I had some fun times this summer. He and I would always try to mess up each other's to-go orders by pressing lots of random buttons, muting the phone while customers were talking, and pouring ice down each others backs while we were taking orders. Good times I wouldn't trade for the world with that boy, mi novio :) haha j/k that was our little joke. Well, basically it was hard having this as my last day because I don't have any closure with these people I am so used to seeing every day. I am going to miss them all so much. I am glad that Katie and I got to work together tonight, as well as Pancho and Kylie. That made it easier. AND Armando even came in to say hi for a little bit so at least I got to see him one last time before I leave. My manager, Jesus, bought a cake for me tonight to say thank you for working at Cafe Rio, and then he thanked me over and over for being such an amazing worker and that he wished I could stay. But in the end he wished me good luck and I told him I would be in on Monday for just a little bit to get some more pictures and turn in my uniform. He was making leaving to hard because he was getting so emotional :P

Yesterday, I said bye to Erica. That was so weird. I have spent the whole summer becoming such close friends with Erica, and she is gone camping this weekend, so we decided we would have to say goodbye on Friday because she wouldn't be back until I was already gone. So we went to Walmart and had some of our pictures from the summer printed, and then we just went and got dinner. I was sad because Stephanie was going to come but at the last minute wasn't able to make it to hang out. Anyway, we went to get food and a couple of Erica's friends came too. It was just weird to think that it was the last time we'd see each other until Thanksgiving break. Sitting there talking just felt so normal, and it was hard to think that we wouldn't be doing that again for months to come.

On Monday morning, I am going to have breakfast with Katie and Stephanie to say goodbye to them. Then I will be cleaning my car, packing, visit Cafe Rio, and start driving to Idaho. I will probably get there around 7 I'm thinking, so I'll hopefully have time to say hi to Andrew and Shannon that night. I'll spend the following few days just making sure I have everything I need for college, a little last minute shopping, learning how to cook basic recipes, and finish my scrapbooking. I'll go visit all of my besties in Boise, and then on Thursday morning Mom and Dad and I will start the drive out to Rexburg where I'll move in, get all of my books, meet my roommates, and start the college life :) It is going to be a very busy week.

Well, I am extremely tired. I've been working since 11 this morning. I started at FroYo and then went to Cafe Rio for the evening shift so I am beat. I have church at 9 too, and then Jamie's farewell is at 1. I don't think there will be any time for a Sunday nap tomorrow so I am going to hit the sack. I'll keep updating my blog this week too, so please keep checking back. Leave a comment or two. It will make my day to know at least someone is reading my ramblings =]

<3 Jen

1 comment:

Blake VandeMerwe said...

comment comment comment :)

let me know how school's going when you get settled and have a feel for your classes ~ pictures are good too ;)
