I found out today that we are allowed to have PETS! Okay, well, not just any pet because I would DEFINETELY get a puppy if they were allowed. Anyways, I got SO excited when I found out so Talia, Kristilynn, and I made the long trek out to Walmart. We did actually have to buy things besides a pet, so it was pretty funny. We went to the fishtanks and I picked him out. Just an adorable black and white angelfish. We had already decided on the name Gustav on the walk over, so when I saw this fish I knew he was the one because the name fit so perfect. He actually looks a lot like Gil from "Finding Nemo", or at least I think he does. So after Gustav was in the little baggy, we walked around Walmart and did the rest of our shopping. It felt funny because I actually put him on my grocery list!! haha. "Tennis shoes, plastic forks, spoons, and cups, fish. . " aha. So now he is sitting on our kitchen table in his little fishbowl with a super cute shark figurine and fake sea plants :) He is very cute.
<3 Jenny
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