"Look at the sky, tell me what do you see? Just close your eyes and describe it to me... The heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight. That's what I see through your eyes. I see the heavens each time that you smile. I hear your heartbeat just go on for miles. And suddenly I know my life is worthwhile..."

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I just finished reading Blake's blog, and I am happy to say that he reminded me to make some new goals this semester. I feel so inspired! haha. So here goes, these all need to be done this coming month in October:

1. Keep up on homework and reading assignments-
This hasn't been an issue, aside from the 2 late nights doing homework. I have completed all my assignments though, on time! :)

2. Morning & Nightly Prayer & Daily Personal Scripture Study-
My roommates and I are excellent at reading the scriptures together everyday and having a prayer before bed. I am also doing pretty well with scripture study because it is my Book of Mormon homework everyday, but I have a lot of work to do with personal prayers...

3. Get back into a good sleeping schedule-
My sleeping habits are so thrown off, it's disgusting. My goal is to be in my bed every night by 1 am. That hasn't happened in I don't even know how long. I can't remember that far back. Hopefully by being in bed at 1, it will also be easier to wake up around 9 every day instead of the occassional 12:00 days when I don't have classes until 12:45 :S

On the college budget I REALLY have to maintain, I cannot afford to keep spending lots of money on food, so this one will be a little harder considering all that is affordable is bad for you. My diet consists of pasta, koolaide, and more pasta. Maybe just cutting back and eating a little more fruit will help this.

5. Go running every Monday, Wednesday, Friday morning-
Since my classes are later that day, I have no excuse not to work out those days. This will also help prevent that Freshman 15 I am so terrified of!!

6. Make more friends & remember their names-
I am finding that I make friends pretty easily, aside from last weekend's tragic ending. I really have a problem remembering names though. My roommates and I have little nicknames for people we meet because we just cannot remember their names. This has got to change!!

7. Make the Fall Formal the hit dance of the semester!!
I am the manager over the Fall Formal at BYU-Idaho, and from the direction we are heading it is going to be an absolute success! I am so excited to see everything I have planned fall right into place this month. The dance is October 24, so guys & gals, find yourselves a date, get your tickets, and dance through the decades!!! <3

8. Keep up with writing missionary letters-
I have done pretty well in this area, but I think I should still keep sending letters, even if I don't receive one back right away. Missionaries are really busy and I'm sure they would like to keep getting letters, even if they cannot respond immediately.

I will be reporting next month on how these goals are going...
Have a fantastic day everyone! I love you! I hope you are all happy!! Keep smiling :)

<3 Me

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