Friday was Fall Formal! My roommates and I went as a group with our fhe family. It was a blast! The girls all wore poodle skirts that Talia's mom made and sent to us. The boys were dressed like they came straight out of Grease. Moral of the story: We were looking hot ;) I spent that night right before the dance getting it all set up, and making sure that everything was going as planned. The whole week had been crazy with advertisements and planning, decorating and shopping for refreshments. I got so many phone calls from people wondering where they could buy tickets at, etc. It was a little stressful, but overall a great experience that I would take on again in a heartbeat. After the dance was in motion, I went back to my apartment to rest for a little bit. The boys were already over, and we sat around taking pictures for a good hour before heading to the dance. The dance was AMAZING! I absolutely loved it! The live jazz band was incredible - the swing dancing made the dance just perfect. I am a terrible dancer too, but it was so much fun to just let myself out of my shell and dance and have fun! Benjamin was an amazing swing dancer. I was so stunned by how well he could dance. Zach was just crazy. He is funny. We would try to do these funny moves and it was a lot of fun. My favorite though was dancing with Colin. He and I kept trying new swing dance techniques, usually resulting in minor injuries. There was this one time he whacked me right in the face - completely on accident - but it was hilarious! We laughed so hard. About every minute we would have to stop dancing and have a good laugh at ourselves. I'm sure we looked totally ridiculous but I don't care. It was a perfect night.
Saturday was pretty busy. Kristilyn's brother came into town Friday just before the dance, so we spent all of the weekend with him. We went to watch my roomies and Colin run in their cross-country meet. It was so much fun! I really wish I would have done XC with them, but next year I will for sure. They all did great in the race. I'm so proud :)
We came back just in time to get all our laundry done and go to the ward talent show. Our ward has some of the funniest, most outgoing people. I LOVE IT! haha.
Sunday we went to church, came home, napped, and had a picnic! We went to the gardens with Talia's laundry basket full of food: pizza, pasta, marshmallow popcorn, koolade, cookies, broccoli... It was delicious! Talia and I did the stadium singing that night with Jason and Zach :)
Today, Mark woke me up at 6:30 to tell me happy birthday! My mom had Josh and Samantha call me before the left for school at 7:45 to tell me happy birthday. The rest of the day I continued to get phone calls, texts, emails, etc. from people telling me happy birthday. The neat thing was that a lot of them I haven't talked to since high school, but they remembered my birthday :)
Andrea would not let me in the kitchen today. She made me my breakfast and lunch. Then, she, Kristilyn, and Talia all chipped in for stuffed crust pizza tonight. YUMM! I wasn't allowed to do any cleaning whatsoever.
I went down the hall after waking up this morning and found that Kristilyn had left me all these signs wishing me a happy birthday. I picked up my package from my family, and when I came home, I saw that Talia had made a banner over my bed.
My family sent me lots of clothes, scarves, gloves, chocolate, cute cards, etc. They are amazing <3
Zach brought me a cupcake tonight. haha cute :)
For fhe, my family surprised me with a party. We were supposed to go make 72 hour kits tonight, but all along they had been planning on throwing me a party. I was so happy :) We had our cake, rolled down a BIG grassy hill (YAY!), and played the traditional Keele birthday games (candy bar game & squirt gun game). All in all, today was great!
Only 2 more days until I get to go back to Orem and see my grandma and Jessica!!!!! I am SO excited! I love you all! Have a fantastic day!
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