1. I brushed my teeth before I even ate. I should have ate first instead of brushing my teeth, because I went off to school with unbrushed teeth. SICK!
2. I brushed my teeth after I had already gotten dressed. BIG NO NO! In my attempt to spit the toothpaste and water mixture in the sink, a small amount managed to slide down my shirt. NUTS!
3. I straightened my bangs...WHAT?! I don't have time for that on these mornings! Why didn't I just stick it into a quick pony tail is beside me...
4. I did not take a water bottle with me. While I did remember to get breakfast, I forgot to get the water that makes my body so happy. All through the hour and a half of psychology, my throat was craving a little water. OOPS!
Anyway, my psychology class was good. I am so glad I didn't sleep through it. We got into a heated discussion about marriage. Even though I am not married and probably won't be for a very long time, I just knew that the things my classmates were saying were completely ludacris. They were so scared of marriage because they said the risks outweighed the benefits. WAIT A MINUTE!! Isn't marriage ordained of God? Hasn't He commanded us that we need to be sealed to someone for time and all eternity? To create a forever family? Whatever happened to mulitiply and replenish the earth? Whatever happened to trusting in our Father in Heaven? He knows EVERYTHING! He will not lead us astray. Sure, yes, some marriages will not last. Statistics tell us that about half of marriages will fall apart. However, I FIRMLY believe that Heavenly Father has a plan for us. A WONDERFUL plan, called the Plan of Happiness. Marriage is supposed to be exciting!!!! It is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing companionship between a man and a wife to be cherished always. My classmates were being so negative. A lot of them come from heartbreaking backgrounds of families who have been torn apart. But, I come from a family of love! My grandma and grandpa Keele have been married for almost 50 years now! That is incredible! Although my grandpa is no longer living in their home (he is in a nursing home), my grandma visits him just about every single day for hours. They are still totally and completely in love. My parents are celebrating their 20th anniversary this December! That is so beautiful! I understand that not every marriage is a fairytale, but I WILL NOT listen to talk of marriage as being an evil, bad, tragic thing. Marriage excites me! I dream of the day I will marry the boy who will be my best friend, the boy I will share all of my dreams, fears, joys, and heartbreaks with. Marriage is a beautiful eternal companionship that should be looked forward to and treasured...
Sorry for that little rant. I have been holding it in my system all day. *whew*
So then I went on to my Book of Mormon class, devotional (which was amazing. Key part of the talk: You never know whose angel you are), and my History & Philosophy of Education class. I came home and slept on the couch next to Talia for a good 2 hours. Woke up, did some homework, and waited impatiently for my roommates to come home from their meetings so we could talk. To my great dismay, when they came home they each headed off to the bedrooms to do homework. My heart sank a little. I sat in the kitchen eating Captain Crunch and watching a movie. Finally, that got old. I went to interrupt Talia's studying. (I know, I am a really nice roommate...) While we were talking, I heard my phone ringing. When I answered, a deep male voice said, "Check your doorstep." It was a REALLY creepy voice - I'm not going to lie. But I did as the voice said. I opened the door, and lo and behold, on the doormat sat a pumpkin and a box of cookies. Here is the pumpkin:

Creepy, huh? There is this knife sticking out the side, blood dripping down, evil face, and a message that says "Jennifer Keele, I know what you did last summer!" SCARY! haha. So I started looking up the phone numbers of all the boys in our fhe group, thinking it was probably one of them. After a good hour, the person called again and the voice told me to look at facebook. So, I got on facebook and discovered that the creepy person was Casey Williams. Yes, yes. Casey. How? Apparently my Dad (traitor-haha just kidding) gave him my address and Casey came all the way from Orem, Utah to leave me a creepy little pumpkin on my doorstep (and a box of cookies to justify the evil act.) hahaha
Benjamin and Trevor came over to "test" the cookies. They had to make sure they weren't poisonous hehe. What kind home teachers :)
So now, here I am. Sitting at my computer. Avoiding the stupid essay that I so naively decided would be fun to redo, along with chapter 10 notes for child development. Note taking in that class is getting a little old...
I hope everyone has a great day! I love you all. I love getting mail :)
I was soooo happy to get letters from both David and Jamie today. YAY!! I love missionary letters. They are the best!
But, I also love any mail you send. So long as it doesn't scare me, like the creepy pumpkin Casey delivered. Notes, letters, flowers, chocolate, surprise visits, those are all amazing :)
<3 Me
Hello Jenny!
What do you think of gay marriage? :)
Vote YES on Prop 8!!
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