before clean checks
during clean checks
after clean checks
never clean again...never never
we were exhausted after cleaning for 11 hours.... ridiculous!

just me and talia being crazy during our sleepover last night
me & andrea after church today
~Life at BYU-Idaho~
Today I reconnected with a friend I haven’t seen or talked to in almost a year and a half. I learned some new things (not good) about a boy I dated my junior year of high school. I had one of those “relationship talks”. I also conquered my fear of talking to a boy in one of my classes who I think is so cute, but have always been way too scared to talk to. I went to the Disney College Program presentation today and have an interview set up for tomorrow. Today was a good day :]
I am currently sitting on my couch, hiccupping uncontrollably and reflecting back on the day. What made today so great? You know, I’m not sure. I just know that I feel like I found missing pieces to a puzzle today. I am slowly trying to make sense of my past and how it is affecting my future.
I have been thinking a lot today about memories. How is it that when you listen to a certain song, memories will flood back into your mind? Here are some that come to mind immediately:
1. “Science of Selling Yourself Short”
o This song ALWAYS reminds me of a boy named Zane Dees. It doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing when I hear this song, I ALWAYS think of him. I think of all those nights we would stay up for hours talking on the phone. I would sneak into the basement and talk to him, so my parents wouldn’t know I was still awake. He was one of the sweetest boys I’ve ever known. This song makes me remember Halloween that year. He told Carissa he thought I was really cute. The whole night I kept trying to get Derek’s attention, and he kept trying to get mine….
2. “Hey Santa!”
o My mom and I LOVE singing Christmas songs. “Hey Santa!” was our favorite by far; we sang it all day long every day. Each time I hear it, I think of putting up our Christmas tree with the family – the boys were always asking us to turn it off and mom and I would just sing right over the top of them. It makes me think of doing the dishes with her in the kitchen, watching the snow fall…
3. “Bubbly”
o PAULO!! I will never forget the day that Paulo and I were driving in his car singing this song. It was before he and Jamie started dating. He was frustrated with her because he loved her sooo much, and he couldn’t make her see it. He told me that if she ever sang this song to him, he would be the happiest man in the world. Sure enough, only a few months later when they finally became a couple, this became their song. CUTE!
4. “Sugar, We’re Going Down”
o Garret was trying to impress me by singing to me. This was the first song he turned on, and we sang it again and again on our way to the movies. It was like our theme song…
5. “Big Girls Don’t Cry”
o I always sang this song after Carter and I broke up. I would often burst into tears midway. Haha. Ironic.
6. “Hold My Hand”
o Homecoming with Gunnar! He played me this song, and I’m not sure why, but its just always stuck. I hear this song, I think of him.
7. Jack’s Mannequin/Skillet/The Starting Line
o These ALL make me think immediately of Blake. He introduced me to so many of my favorite artists. I would often sing these songs on the days we didn’t talk, when I felt like I really needed to talk to him. Blake and I used to be so close – we would talk just about every day. I miss that…
8. “Time of Your Life”
o Jessica tried to teach me this song on the guitar because it is one of my favorites. She played it for me a lot over the last 2 summers. She has such a pretty voice and is so good at playing the chords, I actually think her version is way better.
9. “Milk & Cereal”
o Devyn is just kind of a crazy cool kid that I love being with. This is our song J
10. Nickelback & Hinder
o These all belong to Lance. It is impossible to listen to either group without thinking of Lance…
11. Disney Duets
o Mark and I would always sing these together at home. I miss that…
12. “Curse of Curves”
o Summer 2007 in Utah with Jamie, Jessica, Jordan, David, Trevor, Paulo, Garrett. Life in “the sac”.
The move-in day. . . .
Roommate Adventures:
This is when we got lost. HAHA
This was when we made YUMMY cookies ;)
Pictures of my dorm will be up soon! Love you all!!